Home » Korean drama » Shooting Stars (2022)

Shooting Stars (2022)

Shooting Stars (2022) - Poster

An entertainment company PR team does everything for their stars, including deflecting constant media scandals.

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Our Comments

Shooting Stars (Sh**ting Stars) is a really fun show. It’s a show about the hard working men and women who make sure that k pop stars always look their best. It pulled us in straight away and kept us wanting to watch more. The characters are interesting and likeable, and it is pretty fast paced, so there are very few slow parts. It also has a good, satisfying ending.

In addition to the main romantic story, there are some great side character stories that are tied in really well and of course make us like those characters even more. We loved the story of how the two main characters seem to dislike each other, and the explanation of why that is the case.

Be sure to watch the epilogues, which are at the end of most of the episodes. Those epilogues really do explain some of the reasons for the characters actions, and if you miss them you do miss some key information.

Most of the food featured in Shooting Stars is incidental. The characters rarely mention what they are eating and there is not much specific focus on the food (unlike kdramas like “I Am Not a Robot” which put a lot more focus on the food when it was being served and eaten). However, there is a still a good variety of food shown across the episodes, especially in the earlier ones.

There is some heavy swearing in a few small parts in the first few episodes, so I have rated this one less star. However, that does not continue through the rest of the episodes at all. I don’t know why they put the swearing in the first few episodes in the first place. It was certainly the strongest swearing I have ever seen in a Korean comedy romance (although we do only watch the light ones).

The final episode credits show a description of the show as “A story about different people who clean up after the stars”, which is a great summary.

Overall, Shooting Stars is worth watching. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Food Featured in “Shooting Stars”

Tteokbokki,  떡볶이 (Spice Rice Cakes)

Episode 1, 4, 11

Kkakdugi, 깍두기 (Radish Kimchi)

Episode 3

Gyeran Mari, 계란말이  (Korean Egg Roll)

Episode 4

Mechurial Jorim, 메추리알 조림 (Braised Quail Eggs)

Episode 4

Sigeumchi Namul, 시금치 나물 (Korean Spinach Side Dish)

Episode 4

Sundae, 순대 (Blood Sausage)

Episode 4, 11

Pat Sirutteok, 팥시루떡 (Steamed Rice Cake with Red Beans)

Episode 5

Jjimdak, 찜닭 (Braised Chicken)

Episode 6, 12

Samgak Kimbap, 삼각김밥 (Triangle Kimbap)

Episode 7

Collection of Banchan, 반찬 (Korean Side Dishes)

Episode 4, 7

Mareun Ojingeo, 마른 오징어 (Dried Squid)

Episode 8

Ramyeon, 라면 (Korean Instant noodles)

Episode 9, 13, 14, 15

Tangsuyuk, 탕수육 (Korean Sweet and Sour Pork)

Episode 10

Jeyuk Bokkeum, 제육볶음 (Korean Spicy Stir Fried Pork)

Episode 11

Jogaetang, 조개탕 (Clam Soup)

Episode 11

Baechu Kimchi, 배추김치 (Napa Cabbage Kimchi)

Episode 13

Written by: Michael

Last Updated:

Michael - My Korean Kitchen

Hi, I'm Michael, Sue's husband. I put together the Korean drama food pages to help you find the Korean food featured in Korean dramas. Needless to say, I love Korean food and also Korean dramas (only the lighter ones).


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