Korean chili flakes and Korean chili powder in two separate bowls

Gochugaru (Korean Chili Powder and Korean Chili Flakes)

Learn about Korean gochugaru (Korean chili powder / Korean chili flakes / red pepper flakes) and how it can be used in Korean cooking. What is Gochugaru? Gochugaru (고추가루) has a few different English names under its belt. Namely, Korean chili powder, Korean chili flakes, Hot pepper flakes, red pepper flakes etc. Gochugaru is one …


Korean Sweet Tangy Soy Dipping Sauce Recipe - Pair it with your next Korean pancakes or Korean dumplings | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Korean Sweet Tangy Soy Dipping Sauce

Learn how to make an addictive and versatile Korean sweet tangy soy dipping sauce!  Today I’m sharing a very versatile Korean dipping sauce recipe. I normally use this sauce with my various Korean pancakes (Buchimgae and Pa-Jeon: Kimchi pancakes, Korean squid pancakes, Korean potato pancakes, Korean oyster pancakes, Tuna cakes, Enoki mushrooms pancakes and gochujang pancakes) and also …


Korean Plum Tea (Maesil Cha) | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Korean Plum Tea (Maesil Cha)

Let’s make some delicious Korean plum tea. It’s a refreshing fruity drink that can be made in 1 minute! Today I’m introducing one of the most popular Korean teas – Maesil Cha (매실차). It is a fruit based tea, and its commonly known English name is plum tea. However, I recently learnt that the fruit …


Easy and delicious Korean tofu side dish - Pan Fried Tofu in Garlic Soy Sesame Sauce (Dubu Buchim) recipe. Budget friendly and Vegetarian friendly | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Pan Fried Tofu in Garlic Soy Sesame Sauce

Pan fried tofu in garlic soy sesame sauce is an easy and delicious Korean tofu side dish. It’s so flavourful that even non-vegetarians would appreciate the taste! Today I’m going to share an easy peasy Korean side dish recipe using Tofu (Dubu, 두부). OK. One thing I learnt from Hollywood movies is that not many …


Authentic Korean soybean paste soup (Doenjang Guk) recipe - It's easy, delicious and comforting! | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Korean Soybean Paste Soup (Doenjang Guk)

Learn how to make everyday Korean soup – Korean soybean paste soup! Today I’m sharing Korea’s most staple soup – Doenjang Guk (된장국, Korean soybean paste soup/ Korean miso soup). As I was growing up, I think I had various versions of Doenjang Guk at least a couple of times a week, if not every …


Garlic Kimchi Pizza recipe - It's crispy and savoury with a tint of Kimchi flavour. A perfect Korean fusion entry dish that will please your dinning guest. | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Kimchi Pizza

Stone baked Kimchi pizza is a perfect Korean fusion entree dish that will please your dining guests. It is crispy and savory with a hint of kimchi flavor!  Have you ever made kimchi pizza? Well, if you haven’t, today’s the day! I’m going to share a quick, easy and more-ish kimchi pizza recipe I came …


Korean party food with white porcelain

Handcrafted Fine Korean Pottery Tableware

Discover fine Korean pottery tableware! I’m going to talk about beautifully handcrafted fine Korean pottery tableware today. Ever sine I started food blogging, I became obsessed with tableware. Whether it’s a simple side dish or soup, choosing appropriate tableware is a very important part of food photography. It affects the overall mood and atmosphere of …


How to Make Korean Style Dashi (Dried Kelp and Dried Anchovy Stock) | MyKoreanKitchen.com

How to Make Korean Style Dashi Stock

Give life to your Korean soup by learning how to make Korean soup stock (aka Korean style dashi stock)!  What is Dashi? Dashi is Japanese soup stock, which is used as a base stock in a Japanese soup dish. It is also used in some side dishes and in noodle dishes etc. Dashi is like …


Cucumber Soba Noodles with Sweet Chili Soy Dressing. Delicious, light, refreshing and more-ish. A perfect summer dish. | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Cucumber Soba Noodles with Sweet Chili Soy Dressing

Summer ready cold soba noodle recipe – cucumber soba noodles with sweet chili soy dressing!  Soba noodles are one of my favorite noodles and I often think about a new way to indulge myself into this deliciousness. In the last few weeks, I couldn’t stop thinking about pairing some cucumber with these soba noodles and also …


Easy Spicy Rice Cake Recipe | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Easy Korean Spicy Rice Cakes

This recipe will show you the easiest way to make Korean spicy rice cakes (Tteokbokki)! Ready in 15 mins. Korean spicy rice cakes (Tteokbokki / Ddeokbokki, 떡볶이) is probably the most well-known Korean street food in Korea. You can see mini vans or carts that sell it on the street very easily. There are many ways to …


How to make sweet, tangy and spicy Korean dipping sauce (Cho-Gochujang or Chojang). This is most suitable for (raw or cooked) seafood and blanched broccoli. | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Sweet, Tangy and Spicy Korean Dipping Sauce

This sweet, tangy and spicy Korean dipping sauce (known as chogochujang) is a perfect Korean sauce to pair with seafood! Today, I want to talk about Sweet, Tangy and Spicy Korean Dipping Sauce aka Cho-Gochujang (초고추장) or ChoJang (초장). I get it if you thought this post was about “steamed prawns” rather than the “dipping …


Korean Spicy Green Onion Salad. This salad is the most well-known Korean BBQ salad. It pairs very well with non-marinated meat (e.g. Korean pork belly) | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Korean Spicy Green Onion Salad

Make some delicious Korean green onion salad! It’s a popular Korean BBQ side dish! If you like Korean BBQ, you probably have seen this Korean spicy green onion salad before. It is the most well-known Korean BBQ companion salad. Its Korean name is Pajeori (파절이), meaning “seasoned green onion”. I love having Pajeori with Korean …


Baked Ham and Egg Cups with Kimchi! On the go breakfast with a Korean twist! | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Ham and Egg Cups with Kimchi

Try this easy “on the go” breakfast recipe! Ham and egg cups are baked in the oven and include finely chopped kimchi as a surprise! The other day, I was enjoying myself again browsing through beautiful food photos on Pinterest. In a split second, something grabbed my attention. It was this picture of Breakfast Ham …


Three Ultimate Korean BBQ Dipping Sauces | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Three Ultimate Korean BBQ Dipping Sauces

Learn how to make Korean BBQ Dipping Sauce in three different ways. You’ll be amazed at how simple it is! Are you a fan of Korean BBQ? Have you always wondered how to recreate that amazing dipping sauce served with your favorite Korean BBQ meats at restaurants? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, …


How to Make Korean Sauna Style Eggs with a Slow Cooker | MyKoreanKitchen.com

How to Make Korean Sauna Style Eggs with a Slow Cooker

Learn how to use a slow cooker to make hard boiled eggs. It comes with the Korean sauna style egg effect! The other day I got an email from one of my readers asking me to share how to make Korean sauna style eggs with a regular rice cooker. If you have already been through …


How to Make Korean Fish Cakes for Soup from scratch | MyKoreanKitchen.com

How to Make Korean Fish Cakes for Soup

How to Make Korean Fish Cakes for Soup (from scratch)!  (This is part II of How to Make Korean Fish Cakes. If you want to find out How to Make Korean Fish Cakes for appetisers / sides / snacks, click this link. )  Last week I shared a recipe – How to Make Korean Fish Cakes …


How to make Korean fish cakes (Eomuk, Odeng) from scratch - Easy & healthy recipe, Kids, Adult & Party friendly |MyKoreanKitchen.com

How to Make Korean Fish Cakes

How to make Korean fish cakes from scratch!  (This is part I of How to Make Korean Fish Cakes. If you want to find out How to Make Korean Fish Cakes for Soup, click this link.)  The mystery of how to make Korean fish cakes from scratch has been one of the top 5 questions …


Japchae in a black bowl

Japchae (Korean Glass Noodle Stir Fry)

The most comprehensive and authentic Japchae (Korean glass noodle stir fry) recipe!  What is Japchae Japchae or chapchae (잡채) is a very popular Korean dish. It is the number one sought after dish particularly during the Korean festive holidays (e.g. New Year’s day and Harvest festival) but it is also enjoyed on any other common day …


Korean Style Braised Eggs | MyKoreanKitchen.com

Korean Style Braised Eggs

Easy, delicious and super addictive Korean style braised eggs! Today I want to share an easy and simple side dish recipe – Korean style braised eggs. What are Korean Style Braised Eggs Korean style braised eggs (Dalgyal Jorim, 달걀 조림 or Gyeran Jorim, 계란 조림) are a popular Korean side dish made with soy sauce based brine …


Garlic Sesame Kimchi - a simple, quick and easy to make Korean side dish that can transform your aged pungent Kimchi into a nutty aromatic relish| MyKoreanKitchen.com

Garlic Sesame Kimchi

Garlic sesame kimchi is a simple Korean side dish that can transform your aged pungent kimchi into a nutty aromatic relish. Let’s make it! Do you have a jar of old Kimchi in your fridge that starts to smell stronger than you can bear and you don’t know what to do with it? Then you should …



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